Educating Minds...
Transforming Hearts for Christ
2101 Owego Rd. Vestal, Ny 13850
phone/fax- 607-748-3301
SCHOOL OFFICE HOURS: 7:30am-3:30pm (school days)

Ross Corners Christian Academy

The RCCA Kindergarten program is a blend of Christ-centered academics and social development. Our full day Kindergarten program will open the eyes of your young student to the joys of learning. Our program provides an excellent foundation for the rest of your child’s elementary years. Experiences students have in kindergarten will help to set them on a successful path through their education.
Age Requirement
Because of the extensive nature of the academic areas taught, we require that the student be five years old by December 1 to enroll in this program. This will help them academically, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Kindergarten Screening
In the best interest of our new students, children applying to our Kindergarten program participate in a screening which gives the teacher an overall view of the child’s readiness and skill levels.
Kindergarten Room
Our spacious kindergarten room is located in the west wing of our school and is designed for your student's development and safety. All exterior doors are locked during school hours; visitors must enter through the main school entrance.
Each RCCA staff member has completed a background check and there are CPR/First Aid certified faculty on site at all times.
Our Mission
Since 1960, Ross Corners Christian Academy has offered high quality Preschool-12th grade education, and we believe that children are a precious gift from God.
​Not only does our program include our academic rigor but also places emphasis on:
• Foundational Bible stories, history and learning of God’s love for them
• Presenting a Biblical worldview
• Development of character in your child’s social, emotional, physical and intellectual growth
• Instruction by special teachers in music, physical education and art
• Enrichment through recess and special fun activities
• Building strong foundation of skills and knowledge to move towards independence
• Hands-on experiences so children are actively engaged in learning
• Centers to expand concepts and small group activities
Kindergarten Academics
The kindergarten program at Ross Corners Christian Academy uses the ABeka curriculum. Taught daily are Bible, phonics/reading, writing, and numbers. Also covered on a weekly basis are science and history.
Bible – We place a strong emphasis on the Bible. Daily Bible classes include a Bible truth, songs, and the memorization of Scripture.
Phonics/Reading – The core of our reading program is phonics. Students are taught to recognize upper and lower case letters. They learn individual letter sounds, which include both long and short vowels, as well as consonant sounds and blends. Kindergarten students learn 52 phonics rules, and they learn to read!
Writing – We have a designed writing class to correlate with the phonics program. Writing of all lower case letters and a large portion of uppercase letters is mastered in our kindergarten class.
Numbers – Students will recognize numbers 1 to 100 and will count to 100 by ones, twos, fives, and tens. They learn to tell time, recognize and count money, and learn basic addition and subtraction.
Electives –Studio Art, Music and Gym.
Mrs. Sandy Rising
Kindergarten Teacher
BS in Elementary Education & Bible, Clarks Summit University
Mrs. Rising has been a teacher at Ross Corners Christian Academy since 2002. She graduated from Baptist Bible College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania in 1990 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Elementary Education and Bible. She is married to Pastor David Rising of Bethel Baptist Church in Vestal, NY. Mr. and Mrs Rising have three grown children.
When she was in kindergarten, Mrs. Rising came to know Jesus as her personal Savior. She enjoys teaching in a school where she can teach beginning reading and teach God's Word.
She enjoys reading, gardening, cooking, crocheting, exercising and serving in her local church.