Educating Minds...
Transforming Hearts for Christ
RCCA has an online application process. These are the items that will be required/
Student Application
$125 Registration Fee Per Student (Family Max $300)
Signed Statement of Belief & Cooperation
Student Recommendation Form #1
Student Recommendation Form #2
Signed Technology Policy
Current Immunization Record
New York State Health Examination Form (Filled Out By Physician)
Medical Health History Form (Filled Out By Parent)
Final Report Cards From 2 Previous Years
High School Transcript (9th-12th Grade Students)
Copy of Birth Certificate
After your online application is completed, we will set up an appointment for you to interview with our School Administrator. Once a student receives an invitation to enroll, they may be scheduled for academic placement testing. School ability level, instructional reading level, achievement scores and grades from previous years will help determine grade placement. Tuition payments will then be set up by our financial office and through FACTS Management Tuition.
** If you have any questions, please e-mail our school secretary at
Scholarship Requests
Once you have submitted your completed application with the $125 Registration Fee, and your student has been accepted (see above guidelines), you may then apply for tuition assistance. Go to to apply for scholarship, and follow instructions on providing the required financial information for review. Please note: there is a $40 application fee to complete this process.**Open April 1st - April 30th** Financial Aid Applications are now closed for the 2024-2025 School Year
**Note- Preschool is not eligible for financial assistance.
FACTS Management will review your financial information and will make any recommendations to the Scholarship Committee of the School Board. The Committee will review all requests and will notify scholarship recipients in June.